The struggle of a troubled but confident Nigerian Youth


By Edema Simeon Oghenemise

Bernice Johnson Reagon once said, “Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

For many Nigerian youths, the primary struggle is to become a successful person in society. Life’s challenges can sometimes feel paralyzing, stopping us from moving forward. Whether financial, emotional, mental, or any other personal struggles, they can affect our overall progress. The troubles around us can lead to depression, and for many youths, this results in drug abuse and addiction. While drugs may seem to keep the inspiration of their dreams alive, they undermine the essential element of hard work. Some youths accept failure prematurely, believing they have it all figured out. However, the present circumstances in life don’t determine where you can go; they only determine where you can start. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so persistence is key.

While the economy is challenging, it cannot improve us if we do nothing. Believing in oneself and working towards one’s dreams is crucial. Every life experience, even the worst ones, can propel us towards our destiny.

The struggle of a troubled but confident Nigerian youth can be examined through several factors:

How to Start: Many youths find it difficult to begin their pursuits or dreams. The key is to start from wherever you are. Seek advice from successful individuals in your area of interest and just start. Perfection is not required at the beginning, and there is always room for growth.

Peer Pressure: Many youths possess God-given talents but are unaware of their importance. Peer pressure, beginning in teenage years, can continue into youth, causing individuals to conform rather than stand out with their unique gifts. This conformity can become a long-term struggle.

Depression: Depression in Nigerian youth often stems from relationship failures, lack of finances, and low self-esteem. This can lead to substance abuse as a means to elevate moods, eventually becoming a habit.

Drug Abuse: Drug abuse is a significant issue in society, providing a temporary sense of inspiration for many youths. When inspiration wanes, they turn to drugs, creating a harmful cycle.

The Spiritual Factor: Life has both physical and spiritual sides, with the spiritual often affecting the physical. Spiritual guidance is crucial, as unseen principalities can negatively impact a youth’s struggles.

Fear of Failing: Fear of the unknown can hinder progress. Imagining potential outcomes can create anxiety, but facing fears is essential. Passion is necessary to keep moving forward, and sharing dreams with like-minded individuals can help.

The Financial Factor: Financial issues have varied effects on youth. Not every idea requires money to start, but financial stability is essential. Lack of funds can push youths towards criminal activities. Financial education and management are necessary to utilize resources effectively.

In general, the struggles of Nigerian youth are often attributed to bad governance, but youths also have a role to play. Success requires persistence and the willingness to learn from failure. No matter where you are now, success in Nigeria is possible if you remain dedicated to your dreams. Struggle is an inherent part of achieving greatness. Building dreams requires hard work and overcoming difficulties. Light is significant because of darkness, and similarly, challenges shape our future. Embracing struggles, maintaining focus, and never giving up are the keys to overcoming life’s hurdles as a Nigerian youth.


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