LG Autonomy: CNPP applauds Supreme Court


*Calls for prosecution of defiant Governors

By Esiri Otete

The Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) has lauded the Supreme Court of Nigeria for its pivotal ruling that prohibits State Governors from withholding funds allocated for local government administrations.

In a statement signed by its Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade James Ezema, the CNPP described the ruling as a monumental victory for democracy, national development, and the beleaguered populace of Nigeria. Ezema noted that State Governors have long commandeered the authority and resources of local governments, thereby stifling grassroots development and perpetuating widespread poverty. “This judgment heralds a new era of local government autonomy and delivers a decisive blow to the impunity and recklessness exhibited by state governors over the past two decades.”

The CNPP emphasized that this ruling is a crucial step toward decentralizing power, fostering grassroots development, and enhancing the overall quality of life for Nigerians.

“We believe this judgment will significantly address the issues of poverty, inequality, and social injustice that have afflicted our nation for decades,” Ezema stated. “We urge all stakeholders to respect and implement this judgment, and we call for the prosecution of any governors who violate this ruling once they leave office. It is time to hold our leaders accountable and ensure the rule of law prevails.”

The CNPP also urged the Federal Government to ensure the immediate release of funds due to local governments directly to their respective accounts and to monitor their utilization to prevent further misuse.

“We also call on civil society organizations and the media to join us in holding governors accountable for their actions. This judgment is a testament to the judiciary’s power in upholding the constitution and protecting the people’s rights. We commend the Supreme Court for its courage and commitment to justice.”

Additionally, the CNPP called on governors who have yet to conduct local government elections to cease the unconstitutional practice of appointing caretaker committees and to facilitate free, fair, and credible local government polls in their states. Failure to do so should result in the forfeiture of local government allocations until a democratically elected local government system is in place.

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling directing the Federal Government to disburse allocations directly to Nigeria’s 774 Local Government Areas. The Apex Court declared that state governments have no right to retain and manage allocations on behalf of local governments, deeming such practices unconstitutional.

The case, initiated by the Federal Government through the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, challenged the 36 State Governors for disbursing allocations to Council areas contrary to the stipulations of the 1999 Constitution. Justice Emmanuel Agim, who prepared and delivered the judgment, asserted that state Governors have historically exploited constitutional privileges to defraud and deprive local governments of their rights.

Justice Agim emphasized that the Nigerian Constitution explicitly mandates the allocation of funds among the three tiers of government. The Court ruled that local government allocations should be paid directly to democratically elected local government councils, and that state Governors have no authority to dissolve any democratically elected local government using state powers. Furthermore, the Apex Court decreed that state governments should no longer receive allocations intended for local governments and reiterated that state governments have no power to replace democratically elected local governments with caretaker committees.


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